Party Wall Surveyors in Covent Garden

Covent Garden is one of Central London’s busiest and most recognisable tourist spots. It was once home to a fruit-and-vegetable market but now is more well known as home to the Royal Opera House, the London Transport Museum, the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and countless bars and restaurants.
The area’s unique architecture means that, if you are building against a boundary wall in the area, you may need to consider consulting specialists.
Do I Need A Party Wall Surveyor?
Any major building against a party wall in a place such as Covent Garden will require specialist party wall surveyors as defined by the Party Wall Act of 1996.
The high volume of visitors and access requirements might also need to be taken into consideration.

In such circumstances, what does a party wall surveyor do? The answer is fairly and independently assessing proposed works affecting neighbouring properties and advising parties on a route forward that is compliant with the Law.
What is the Party Wall Act?
The 1996 Party Wall Act controls building work or excavation on, or near, the boundaries between land or property owned by two or more separate entities.

The legislation ensures that all parties’ interests are protected by preventing building work that could undermine the structural integrity of shared walls or neighbouring property features. Compliance with legislation means issuing a Party Wall Notice and signing a Party Wall Agreement prior to any work commencing.
Who pays for a Party Wall Surveyor?
Covent Garden party wall surveyor costs, as with elsewhere, are typically met by the property owner instigating building work. There may be an argument for asking other parties to contribute to overall costs if work is due to defects or lack of repair on their part. As a general rule, it is the responsibility of the owner doing the work to pay.

Independent professional advice is the key to success, particularly for high profile works in a busy area such as Covent Garden. We can help with any aspect of Covent Garden Party Wall matters. Contact us to find out more.
What Do Our Covent Garden Clients Ask For?
Given the complex constraints regarding construction work in Covent Garden, our local clients have to take particular care over any redevelopment, refurbishment and change-of-use projects. Covent Garden’s mix of architecture and property types, popularity with visitors and access difficulties means the Party Wall matters we deal with in the area can be particularly complex. The good news is we have developed a proven track record of success acting as surveyors on a range of challenging projects.
We can help with Covent Garden Party Wall Act issues from beginning to end, so it’s worth talking to us as early as you can regarding any project. We will ensure Covent Garden works benefit from Fresson and Tee’s knowledge and remain compliant with regulations. In this way, we can ensure you avoid costly disputes too.
If you would like to discuss your party wall requirements further, please call our office on 020 7391 7100 or email us at
Covent Garden Party Wall Case Studies
All our surveyors draw on their local experience providing considerable value to their work. You can read more about Fresson and Tee’s Covent Garden Party Wall experience, together with other work, in our case studies. Check out specific examples below.