Party Wall Surveyors in The West End
The West End is one of the busiest and most architecturally diverse areas of Central London. Historically home to the performing arts, it is now central to London’s nightlife.
Many of the building and construction projects underway are linked to new hospitality and entertainment industry initiatives. For a party wall surveyor, West End projects present a range of exciting and dynamic projects.
Fresson and Tee have been the party wall surveyor London builders, property owners and professionals have turned to for many years.
As a result, we are well placed to work with you to answer any questions and overcome any challenges you are facing. We have a track record of restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other hospitality venues.
We typically work on behalf of owners on both sides through a joint instruction. We can, of course, also act for a single owner liaising with other surveyors if required. Whatever party wall issue you are facing, contact us and we can discuss the best way forward.
Do I Need A Party Wall Surveyor?
Your need for a party wall surveyor will be defined by the Party Wall Act of 1996.
This regulates building and construction involving walls that divide the land of two or more owners. Each owners’ rights and responsibilities are enshrined in legislation.
We work with West End landowners and property owners that need to serve a Party Wall Notice prior to any works taking place. We can manage West End Party Wall Awards that set out everyone’s legal protection. Finally, we can supervise any building against a party wall in line with the Act.
Who pays for a party wall surveyor?
In summary, you need to pay for survey costs associated with building works that you start on a West End party wall.

There may be an argument for asking the other party to contribute to costs if the work needs to be done because of defects or lack of repair on their part. They can also be asked to contribute if they ask for additional works to be done that will benefit them.
We can provide independent advice on any aspect of West End Party Wall discussions. Contact us to find out more.
Case Studies
Any local Party Wall experience will clearly prove valuable to any work in the West End. Fresson and Tee can draw on many case study examples in the area, so you can be confident in our services. You can read about specific examples of our work through our website’s case studies section.
10 Charlotte Street, London W1
52 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2
26 Wellington Street, London WC2
What Do Our West End Clients Ask For?
Our West End clients come to us to support local construction, upgrade and refurbishment projects. The nature of West End property means we have developed considerable expertise in high value and high risk Party Wall matters across commercial buildings, offices, restaurants and other entertainment venues. We have also worked on basement extensions including Adjacent Excavations, Party Structures and Line of Junction matters.
Whatever your requirements, we can support the whole Party Wall process from beginning to end. We will ensure your West End projects remain compliant with all required legislation and minimise the risk of costly disagreements with other parties.