What is historic building conservation

A building is listed for its architectural or historic interest if it is considered to be of national importance and therefore worth protecting. There are three types of listed status for buildings in England and Wales:

– Grade I: of exceptional interest
– Grade II*: particularly important and of more than special interest
– Grade II: of special interest warranting every effort to preserve them

A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance.

How we can help

Our building conservation services focus on the diagnosis of defects and understanding how a building’s historic fabric has been constructed.
We are experts in the repair and refurbishment techniques needed and the specification of any works for pricing.

Our services include:

Building survey
Provide design services
Specify the repair and design of any alterations
Obtain listed building consent
Oversee onsite works

If you are looking for help with building conservation in London and would like to discuss your requirement, please call our office on 020 7391 7100 or email us at surveyor@fandt.com